Claretian's response to the Covid 2019
At present, we hear hundreds of theories, messages and
proposed remedies related toCOVID-19 which are being circulated in social
media. What is the current issue? What is the impact and
consequence? What is the remedy and preventive measure?
What is COVID-19? COVID 19 is an acronym for Corona Virus Disease 2019. What
does corona virus do in our body? Corona virus weakens our body's immune
system. When will the corona virus come to us? If corona virus infects our
body, its symptoms will be visible in 2 to 14 days. What are the main signs of corona
virus attack?
Dry cough, sneezing, runny nose, throat irritation The disease causes respiratory
illness (like the flu) with symptoms such as a cough, fever, and in more severe
cases, difficulty breathing.
The corona virus first hit the city of Wukan, China.COVID-19 has physically showed the interconnectedness
of the global village where a contagious virus can travel in a couple of months
to 196 countries claiming 16,362 lives and infected 375,498 persons (WHO report
today at 10 am, 25/3/2020).
2.1 Life under Coronovirus lockdown
around the world
coronavirus pandemic has affected the lives of people around the world. People
have been advised to stay indoors and many cities went into complete lockdown
to contain the spread of the disease.
2.2 Impact on social, economical and political:
corona virus has made a great impact on world economy. Several countries have imposed travel and trade
restrictions. Every day hundreds of new cases are being reported from different
countries, triggering a global health scare. Employee has no daily wages. Costs
of the essential things are high.. Transport and flight services are stopped. Shopping
online is also stopped
2.3 Social distancing.
People are asked to stay at home.
2.4 Psychological impacts: In
today’s world, the incidence of mental and physical ill health is rising; it is
affecting people from all walks of life. The need for counsellors in vital in
order to get a professional support.
Within few days, a novel respiratory virus has spread to
over 199 countries now. Thousands of lives were lost due to corona virus. How to
combat a threat? It is through strictly observing the directions of the civil
authorities, equipping and offering the best medical facilities to the victims
of this fatal virus, offering psychological and counseling services through
professional counselors and social workers, helping one another through
compassion, charity and prayer.
3.1 Remedy and Actions taken for preventing corona virus
best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the
COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads.
“As of this month,
over a billion children are out of school worldwide because of closures linked
to corona virus,
Teachers employees who can are asked to work from home, globally
3.2 Observation of the IMF:
economy is now recession says International monetary fund.
3.3 G20 Response to the Covid 2019: The G20 nations
have resolved to collectively inject $ 5 trillion into the global economy to
combat the disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic on economic world
3.4 The WHO has declared
this epidemic to be a public health emergency of international
concern (PHEIC). China and the rest of the world have already been placed under
the 'very high' category of WHO's risk assessment scale.
The World Health Organization and health experts have said social distancing,
self-quarantines and lockdowns can help in containing the spread of the novel corona
3.5 COVID-19 Response Fund
4.1 China’s response to covid 2019: The National Health Commission has issued guidelines for
emergency psychological crisis intervention for people affected by
COVID-19.Medical institutions and universities across China have opened online
platforms to provide psychological counselling services for patients, their
family members, and other people affected by the epidemic.
4.2 America’s and Italy’s
Response to Covid 2019: Although the American medical
system is unsurpassed and its public health system has a reputation as one of
the finest in the world, struggles to meet the nation’s response.
health care system in Italy, despite best efforts, is unable to manage the
terrible situation of about 66 thousand virus affected people now.
4.3 India’s response to Covid 2019:
21-day lockdown is from March
24 midnight to April 14
midnight. Socio-economic costs are alarming. Prime minister of India seeks
united G20 action to save humanity from corovirus. Since Corona virus is threatening the world, multilateral forums
should rise up to this pandemic situation and promote shared interest.
The Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences have put out a joint statement proposing action to be taken
in the face of changing priorities brought about by the corona virus pandemic.
The five-point statement is dated 20 March.
The importance of early response: “In the future, we need to better
coordinate efforts on both the political and health care fronts to prepare and
protect the population.”
Support for the scientific
community: The statement also advocates for collaboration
between international agencies and professional associations.
Protection for the poor and
the vulnerable: The Covid-19
pandemic is a common threat that has far-reaching social, economic and
political effects. The poor and the vulnerable are often most at risk of
suffering injustices in these situations.
Global interdependency” One
human family, we are interdependent and interconnected.
Freedom, solidarity and
compassion: The Pontifical Academy calls for social cohesion
irrespective of social, technical or health policy agenda. It advocates for
freedom that is coupled with responsibility and solidarity, since “nobody can
succeed alone.”
The statement
ends with a call for cooperation at a time when social distancing is necessary
for health reasons. “The act of staying at home is an act of profound
solidarity. It is to ‘love your neighbor as yourself’.”
Pope Francis's resposne to the covid 2019
5.2.1 Pope reaching out and giving
with love.
“Prayer without charity is not complete”.
The church all over the world has
joined hands in prayer and adoration. In the past too, the church faced
historical moments of epidemics by caring for the sick people and their
families and supporting health workers in all possible ways. It is a time for
ardent prayer and intercession for the suffering world.
Pope Francis
entrusts to Jesus’s mother the suffering and anguish of millions of people
affected by the corona virus pandemic.
In a video message broadcast March 11, the pope prayed ... Pope asked Christians
worldwide to pray ‘Our Father’ on March 25 in response
to coronavirus
Two days later, on March 27, he granted a plenary indulgence through his 'Urbi et Orbi”. Church forgives sins of
those stricken by virus’
Pope Prays for families facing financial problems. His
concern is now how to reach out the hungry during the epidemic situation.
Francis will hold Easter mass without public for first time as Italy grapples
with corona virus outbreak.
5.2.2 Liturgical guidelines during
pandemic: Vatican and
Bishops have guided the Catholics with due information circulars and pastoral
letters well in advance.
It is normal to
feel sad, stressed, confused, scared or angry during a crisis.
Corona virus has been at the
forefront of the news cycle for several consecutive weeks now. Corona virus, or COVID-19, has been affecting
people worldwide, especially vulnerable populations like the vulnerable
populations like the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions.
If you are feeling overwhelmed by the constant news and
alerts regarding the Corona virus, there are things you can do to help you
manage your psychological distress. Recognizing the signs of increased mental
and emotional distress is important. Are you experiencing any of the following?
Increased anxiety, worry, fear and/or feelings of being
overwhelmed, Persistent depressive symptoms such as sadness, tearfulness,
and/or loss of interest, Feelings of hopelessness and/or paralyzing fear about
the future, Sleep difficulties, Isolating self from others, Thoughts about
6.1Strategies to cope with stress, anxiety or
When many things feel uncertain or out of our control, one
of the most effective ways we can manage stress and anxiety is to focus on
the actions that are in our control. Here are some ways you can take
intentional steps to look after your physical and emotional wellbeing during
this challenging time:
6.2 Psychological Tips for Managing Corona virus Concerns
Acknowledge your feeling and
emotions. Allow yourself time to reflect on your feelings and how you are
reacting or coping to the distress.
Maintain your normal day-to-day
Seek accurate information from
credible news sources
Limit your exposure to social media
Learn how
to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.
6.3 Psycho-education is inevitable: With the
lockdown in effect from March 25, According to Bauml, Psycho-education is systematic,
structured, didactic information on the illness and its treatment, and includes
integrating emotional aspects in order to enable the patients and well as
family members to cope with the illness. Knowledge is power.
6.4 Basic protective measures against the new corona
Wash your hands frequently
Maintain social distancing
Avoid touching eyes, nose and
Practice respiratory hygiene
If you have fever, cough and difficulty
breathing, seeks medical care early and stay informed and follow advice given
by your healthcare provider.
As the entire humanity is undergoing the threat of the
pandemic Covid 2019, different efforts are enriching the call to save the
7.1. Jesuit’s response to the cornoviris: At this critical ‘Corona moment’ of humankind,
we dare to cling on to our life-line God, who is our beginning and end, always
labouring with us. Jesuit Conference of South Asia (JCSA) is ready with
materials for an eight-day online retreat focusing on our encounter with
COVID-19, a global pandemic. The retreat begins on April 5th and ends on April
12th (Holy Week). Those interested in joining this retreat are required to
register online. Register @
7.2. Capuchine’s response to Covid 19: Council
of psychotherapy and counseling in collaboration with Anugraha College run by Capuchin’s
response to Covid 19: mental health is the root of physical health. Counselling
combat Covid 19 is initiated on 27th march 2020. Anurgaha is
providing free counseling with more than 100 counsellors, available both online
and direct counseling. Fr.Lawrence Ofm cap., HOD & Secretary, spoke on “Denial
of the reality” (how to face corona psychologically) and Fr.S.Wilson ofm
Cap.,Director of Capuchin institute of counseling,psychotherapy and Research, speaks
about “our emotions on Corona virus”.
7.3. Claretian response to the pandemic
COVID-19 (Summary of the Superior General, dated 25th
March 2020)
To follow the
guidelines given by the civil and ecclesiastical authorities.
To respond to
the pandemic with Christian and Claretian attitudes and virtues. Calmness
(no panicking), faith (not given to helplessness), hope (not
desperation and gloom) and love (never indifferent and no acedia).
To take the
present vulnerable humanity in our hearts to the Lord in prayer and adoration.
To bring
consolation, hope and strength to others through all means possible rather than
be a prophet of doom and sower of negativity.
Doing ministry
using social media
The virus has reached 199 countries now. We know that for
many people life is changing dramatically. My family is not different. During
this difficult time, eat nutritious food and avoid smoking and drinking. Do
exercise. Look after your mental health. Compassion is a medicine. Avoid fake
news. Support Government and authorities. Thank the Doctors and Scientists. Covid
19 is taking from us so much. But it is also giving us something special. The
opportunity to come toothier as one humanity to work together, learn together
and grow together. We hope that the measures
taken by the government will have effect in the coming days.